Health & Security


Parents and Guardians are advised to register their wards with the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS)  to facilitate health care. In lieu of NHIS parents are enjoined to refund all expenditure in respect of a sick student to the school.

Students with any unusual or serious health problems (e.g. asthma, allergies, diabetes and sickle cell anemia) must inform the House staff immediately upon arrival and a medical report should be sent to the Headmistress by the parents or guardians.

Students must inform the Senior  Housemistress or classroom teacher of any illness and seek permission to attend hospital.

The Senior Housemistress can make appropriate arrangements for food to be sent to sick students who are not able to go to the dining hall.

The School’s Guidance and Counseling Co-ordinator is available to help students overcome any social, academic or other problems and students are urged to seek guidance and support on a routine basis.


  •  All students must carry their ID cards. They must show these on demand to any security personnel or member of the teaching staff.
  • Security guards may check exeat slips and other authorizations before a student leaves the compound.
  • Security Guards may detain unknown visitors, or visitors who have special permission outside of normal visiting hours, while they verify their permission to enter the compound.